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Equipment Type  Product Number  Product Name  Brand Name  Product Size  Label Number  Label Status  Details
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C598  CT  Climbing Technology    ITA 99-1556  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C599  CT  Climbing Technology    ITA 99-1557  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  4C431  CT  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1558  Cancelled  View
UIAA 126 Rope Clamps  2D639D-2D639S  CT  Climbing Technology  for 8-13 mm rope  ITA 05-1559  Cancelled  View
UIAA 126 Rope Clamps  2D640D0  CT  Climbing Technology  for 8-13 mm rope  ITA 06-1560  Cancelled  View
UIAA 126 Rope Clamps  2D642D  CT  Climbing Technology  for 8-13 mm rope  ITA 07-1561  Cancelled  View
UIAA 124 Chocks  2A843**  CT  Climbing Technology  size 1-11  ITA 07-1562  Active  View
UIAA 125 Friction...  2A844**  CT  Climbing Technology  size1-8  ITA 05-1563  Active  View
UIAA 127 Pulleys  2P621  CT  Climbing Technology  for < 13 mm rope  ITA 99-1564  Cancelled  View
UIAA 127 Pulleys  2P622  CT  Climbing Technology  for <13 mm rope  ITA 01-1565  Cancelled  View
UIAA 152 Ice Tools    A859  Climbing Technology  50-85 cm  ITA 02-1566  Cancelled  View
UIAA 152 Ice Tools    A850  Climbing Technology  50-85 cm  ITA 02-1567  Cancelled  View
UIAA 152 Ice Tools  2I856  ICE TOOL  Climbing Technology    ITA 08-1686  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C456  TRANGO  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1700  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C457  TRANGO  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1701  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C458  TRANGO  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1702  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C459  TRANGO  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1703  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C459  SAFETY  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1704  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  2C460  SAFETY  Climbing Technology    ITA 07-1705  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  3C4590A  CT  Climbing Technology    ITA 08-1706  Active  View
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