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Equipment Type  Product Number  Product Name  Brand Name  Product Size  Label Number  Label Status  Details
UIAA 105 Harnesses  23FUS1S/-2R  Clog Fusion 4 Buc...  Wild Country & Clog  Small/Regular  GBR **-586  Cancelled  View
UIAA 105 Harnesses  23CNT/23CNT4XL  Clog Center  Wild Country & Clog  Standard/Extra Large  GBR **-587  Cancelled  View
UIAA 125 Friction...  17CC000-17CC040  Clog Cam  Wild Country & Clog  Size 0-4.0  GBR **-588  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13HELI  Helium  Wild Country & Clog  Wire gate  GBR 07-589  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13XEN  Xenon  Wild Country & Clog  Wire gate  GBR **-590  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13OXYSN/-BG  Oxygen  Wild Country & Clog  Straight/Bent gate  GBR **-591  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13WIRE10  Wild Wire  Wild Country & Clog  Wire gate  GBR **-592  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13BLAZ10SN/-BG  Blaze  Wild Country & Clog  Straigh/Bent gate  GBR **-593  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13SYNHMS12SG  Synergy  Wild Country & Clog  Screw gate  GBR **-594  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13TIT10SG  Titan  Wild Country & Clog  Screw gate  GBR **-595  Cancelled  View
UIAA 121 Connectors  13OXYSG  Oxygen  Wild Country & Clog  Screw gate  GBR **-596  Cancelled  View
UIAA 104 Slings  22DS10030/-060/-1...  Dyneema Sling 10mm  Wild Country & Clog  30/60/120/240/400 cm  GBR 07-597  Cancelled  View
UIAA 104 Slings  22DS12030/-060/-1...  Dyneema Sling 12mm  Wild Country & Clog  30/60/120/240 cm  GBR **-598  Cancelled  View
UIAA 104 Slings  22DCD  12mm Dyneema Dais...  Wild Country & Clog    GBR **-599  Cancelled  View
UIAA 104 Slings  22S1660/22S16120/...  Nylon 16 mm  Wild Country & Clog  60/120/240 cm  GBR **-600  Cancelled  View
UIAA 105 Harnesses  21VIS***  Vision Ziplock  Wild Country & Clog  different models ...  GBR 07-601  Cancelled  View
UIAA 105 Harnesses  21ELIT***  Elite Ziplock  Wild Country & Clog  different models ...  GBR 07-602  Cancelled  View
UIAA 124 Chocks  12RSL010/-020/-03...  Superlight Rock o...  Wild Country & Clog  No. 1/2/3/4/5/6  GBR 07-603  Cancelled  View
UIAA 124 Chocks  12RW001 - 12RW100  Rocks on Wire  Wild Country & Clog  No. 1-10  GBR 07-604  Cancelled  View
UIAA 124 Chocks  12RCDA030-12RCDA090  Rockcentric on Dy...  Wild Country & Clog  No.3-9  GBR 07-605  Cancelled  View
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