Product detail

Safety label certificate number FRA 20-5471
Status Cancelled
Current expiration date 31/12/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
 - UIAA 121 Connectors
Product Number 116653
Product Name Mousqueton Goliath HMS Vis & Vis BLC & Mousqueton Goliath HMS Auto 3 & Auto 3 + BLC & Auto 3
Product Size 120mm
Product description 116653 & 80672: Class H connector (HMS connector), in 7010 T6 aluminium, with manual locking gate device by screw and with swivel pin for the reference 80672. Length 120mm, width 73mm, and opening 26mm (detailed description in EU type examination report 19.0016). 80671 & 121598 & 126741: Class H connector (HMS connector), in 7010 T6 aluminium, with automatic locking gate device by swivel ring and with swivel pin for the reference 121598. Length 120mm, width 73mm and opening 25mm (detailed description in EU type examination report 19.0016).
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