Product detail

Safety label certificate number CHN 20-5762
Status Cancelled
Current expiration date 31/12/2022 (dd/mm/yyyy)
 - UIAA 121 Connectors
Product Number KE210009
Product Name OvaL Screw Gate Carabiner HCA
Product Size Dimensions:110X61.2mm Gate openning 20mm
Product description Oval HCA Screw Gate Carabiner applies matt surface for excellent wear-resistance. It’s suitable for military use. ●Hard Coat Anodizing for better durability ●BELAY KEEPER design ensures convenient fixing on the belay loop ●Keylock “no-hook” nose prevents snugging when clipping and unclipping ●Tensile test has been conducted on each carabiner before packing ●Certifications: CE0321 EN12275
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