Product detail

Safety label certificate number FRA 24-6800
Status Active
Current expiration date 31/12/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
 - UIAA 121 Connectors
Product Number 80671_121598_126741
Product Name Mousqueton GOLIATH HMS
Product Size
Product description 80671 - Mousqueton Goliath HMS Auto 3 – Specificity: without swivel pin Spécificité: sans barrette pivotante • 121598 - Mousqueton Goliath HMS Auto 3 + BLC – Specificity: Equipped with a swivel pin Spécificité : Muni d’une barrette pivotante • 126741 - Mousqueton Goliath HMS Auto 3 – Specificity: without swivel pin, different color from 80671 Spécificité : sans barrette pivotante, couleur différente de 80671
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