Product detail

Safety label certificate number CHN 24-6987
Status Active
Current expiration date 31-Dec-2024
Equipment Type  - UIAA 102 Accessory Cord
Product Number ER301;ER302; ER303; ER304
Product Name Accessary Cord 5mm; Accessary Cord 6mm; Accessary Cord 7mm; Accessary Cord 8mm
Product Size 5mm; 6mm; 7mm; 8mm;
Brand Name KAILAS
Product description Accessory Cord are used to make gripping, set protection station, drag heavy objects and so on. It’s widely used in climbing, rescuing, caving, and high altitude activities.It is recommended to use double fisherman's knot to make a sling with the auxiliary rope, and 7mm auxiliary rope to make Prusik loop.
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